Wednesday 27 July 2011

I believe I can fly

Some Moving Colour thoughts from Vicky: 
Vicky here reporting on Moving Colour at The SO Festival. 

So we found ourselves in Skegness staying in these fabulous chintzy B&B's putting the final touches to the piece with the Swedish dancers. The Swedish team were brilliant, always applying so much energy and determination.

We were given tasks exploring Olympic ideas such as passing batons, track running, sporting frames, exploding energy, determination to win, false starts, warming up and the journey of a relay race between four stages. We developed material by enhancing movement with more height, explosion and expansion. Katie pulled material apart and edited literal vocabulary into qualitative excerpts. 

When we performed the piece this weekend I felt a huge amount of team spirit which was enhanced by our Great Britain coloured costumes. Our team KGB (Katie Green Bean - no link to Russian intelligence!) as we liked to call ourselves! I felt a huge wave of energy from the audience as they followed us to each stage towards the sea.

A lot of direction we received was to reach more, expand more and to try to get each other higher and further. I was lucky enough to get lifted into one of the final reaches that pushed me very high and allowed me to see the whole of Skegness!  So I will leave you with a video excerpt that inspired me to believe I could fly high!

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